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Funding Scheme

Environmental Education and Community Action Projects

2024 – 2025
Invitation Period(s)

5 April to 13 May 2024

October to November 2024 (tentative)

Nature of Projects

Environmental Education and Community Action (EE&CA) Projects are educational programmes or activities mainly to enhance community awareness and knowledge of environmental issues; and/or environmental projects that mobilise individuals to take direct and positive action to improve and conserve the environment and induce individual behavioural change towards a green and low carbon lifestyle. All EE&CA Projects should bring about sustained and tangible effect in local communities, with positive impact on the environment with measurable and tangible outcome against the objectives set for the projects, and thus should not be one-off publicity events.

Project Types

EE&CA Projects are categorised in the following types*:


Special Theme Projects – To be formulated, reviewed and adjusted according to government policies.
In 2024-25, the themes of Special Theme Projects are “Waste Reduction at Source”, “Biodiversity”, “Clean Shorelines”, “Clean Air Plan”, “Carbon Neutrality / Low Carbon Living” and “Community Waste and Single-use Plastic Reduction Promotion”


Special Grant Projects - No restrictions on the expenditure items of project


General Projects - Projects other than Special Theme Projects and Special Grant Projects
General Projects cover one or more of the themes such as air, water, waste, food waste, noise, greening, energy and nature conservation, etc.

Project Period

Each Environmental Education and Community Action Project should normally last for not more than 24 months, unless with justifications accepted by or as required by the ECF Committee for specific reason(s). For Special Grant Projects, the project period should not be more than 12 months. For Small Scale Project on Clean Shorelines, the project period should normally last for not more than 6 months.

Application Method

Applications can be submitted online, in person, by post or by email.

Points to Note

Under normal circumstances, application(s) submitted by an applicant organisation with two on-going projects under the same funding scheme will not be approved.

For other forms and documents related to application and project management, please refer to Forms and Documents in Resources to download.

Apply for Help

For each round of new application, the Secretariat of the Environment and Conservation Fund Committee (the Secretariat) will organise briefing session(s) for organisations to understand the application requirements. If you wish to attend the briefing session, please stay tuned for the latest news on this website. For any questions regarding the application, organisations may contact the Secretariat (Tel.: 2835 1234).