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Environment and Conservation Fund

Dr CHENG Kam-chun image
Dr CHENG Kam-chung, Eric, SBS, MH, OStJ, JP
Chairman of the Environment and Conservation Fund Committee

Welcome Message

Welcome to the website of the Environment and Conservation Fund (“ECF”) and the Environment and Conservation Fund Committee (“the Committee”).

This year marks the 30th anniversary and a new milestone of the ECF. To commemorate this new beginning, the Committee will organise activities in retrospect of our past achievements and designate our targets to open up the future. The ECF’s work began with planting and nurturing the seeds for environment protection and nature conservation 30 years ago. Through the pioneering visions of the predecessors and concerted efforts of the successors over the years, the planted seeds have become strong and thrived wherever they settled in Hong Kong, bringing forth plentiful fruits. In the future, we will continue to display the many possibilities of the planted seeds and cultivate more new varieties in the hopes of growing our mature green trees into a splendid and vigorous forest.

I am sure that the ECF will continue to play an active role in environmental protection and ecological conservation, with a view to helping Hong Kong achieve the targets of environmental sustainability and carbon neutrality. Let us also consciously safeguard the national security and integrate Hong Kong into the overall national development setting, work together to take forward the development of Hong Kong into a green city, foster harmony between humanity and nature, endeavour to build a healthy and pleasant city for ourselves and our future generations, and contribute our efforts in turning Hong Kong people’s aspiration for a better living environment into reality.


30th Anniversary


The Environment and Conservation Fund (“ECF”) has been established for 30 years since 1994. In order to let the public to gain a deeper understanding and make better use of the Fund, the Environment and Conservation Fund Committee has launched a 30th anniversary publicity and promotion campaign. By showcasing the past fruitful achievements of the ECF, it aims to raise the public awareness and encourage active participation in practicing a green lifestyle. We are committed to encourage all parties to take continuously action and actively participate in projects and activities to lie in with the Government policies, fostering the achievements of the environmental sustainability goals of "Waste Reduction at Source" and "Carbon Neutrality" for Hong Kong, and building a new green future together.

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